Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Trooping The Color

With the advent of the new form factor of super capital ships, created by the Elysian minds in far and fair Reykjavik, a new feature becomes available that corporations and alliances may want to explore for greater immersion.

These ships have holographic displays. How easy/hard would it be to use these displays to carry the corporate / alliance insignia. Within alliances it might even be possible to display unit badges for the battlegroup one is a member of.

This kind of display would greatly enhance immersion, more so for people who have served in actual combat units and for whom a battle standard is a fond and proud memory.

A mechanism would be made available through which these insignia would be designed and provided to the developers so that they could be acquired by the alliance / corporation / pilot (specific rights would have to be assigned so that one group does not use a battle standard from another alliance / corporation). The developers would find an elegant solution to that problem.

Purchasing such an insignia / battle standard would come at its own cost and might serve as an ISK sink.

At any rate the goal would be to increase immersion, build social cohesion inside corporations and alliances, and make this phantasmagorically beautiful game even more of a delight to enjoy.


Friday, October 16, 2020


January 5 2016 at 8:38 PM 

This piece was written on the ’Typed’ blogging platform before it was taken down. Its relevance has not diminished which is why I repost it here.

A structure will be created, it will allow pilots to peruse the wonderful screenshots that have been taken throughout the years, from the comfort of their own space ship.

It could be a museum that acts like a Captain's Quarters where more than one person could be present. No shenanigans of any kind would be allowed, it would just be too much temptation. EVE pilots cannot resist temptation.

It might be a deadspace pocket, or several, where a 'hanging garden' of pictures is displayed. Much like the iconic titan in Luminaire was a tourist attraction, so would this / these place[s] be a centre of attraction for anyone who is interested in the living history of the work of art we help create every day.

Screen shots can be displayed as screen-filling artistic splendour. At that time the interface is hidden from view so as to allow the visitor to engross themselves in the mesmerising beauty of the greater New Eden demesne. 

CCP has the quality of people to make that expression look beguilingly beautiful, there is no doubt people would flock to it just to admire the thrill and beauty of all that came before.

The location[s] where the museum[s] are located are not safe space. There is no safe space. It is EVE Online, it is not My Friendly Pony Land.
