Wednesday, February 24, 2021

To Scammers With Love

 The Caldari Navy Assembly Plant at Jita Planet 4, Moon 4, will acquire a small and modest pewter statue of a nerd sejant at a desk with a basic computer setup.

This is an actual character with a name to be determined by the Elysian minds in fair and far Reykjavik. The statue will have a caption “Ode to the Jita Scammer”. It will be possible to interact with this statue by donating 1 PLEX to it. 

On receiving 1 PLEX the statue will light up and perform an awkward little dance in celebration after which the character will make a statement in the Jita local channel. The prompts it produces can include but are not limited to:

“I’m leaving EVE for good. Donate 1 PLEX and you will receive a free gift” (A free gift will be made available, it will always be a t1 warp core stabiliser)

“Give me 1 PLEX I’ll give you 3 in return!” (no PLEX will ever be distributed by the character)

“Read my bio and give me 1 PLEX for prizes.” (A free prize will be made available, it will always be a t1 warp core stabiliser)

“Please, I’m new here, give me 1 PLEX!”

Seasonal and event-appropriate comments can be created as required.

Because this is an existing character it is possible to donate money or PLEX directly to it.

All the PLEX and money the character receives will be tallied and an equivalent amount of money will be donated to the Reykjavik Hringurinn Children’s Hospital (or a similar institution benefiting children’s healthcare).

By celebrating EVE scammer folklore this way, pilots will at once be able to acknowledge this valuable social convention and its history, avoid being actually scammed by the wonderful people in Jita local and at the same time make a valuable and worthy contribution to help children receive the health care and services they need.

Edit: As a refinement on this idea this character, as a wire frame outline, could be depicted on one of the billboards (or one more could be created) that can be found at the Caldari Navy Assembly Plant.


- it is lit up and easier to find

- it is easier to have it animated

- the wireframe outline of the character behind the desk is a social commentary on how easy it is to see through the scam it wants to perpetrate

- a counter could be displayed “X PLEX was donated to a better cause already"