Saturday, February 1, 2020


A structure will be built.

This structure will hold a curated, yes: curated, you know full-well why! set of art created by pilots.

Over the life time of EVE a great deal of art has been created by pilots all across the cluster. Some of these works have become icons.

The structure under discussion would allow pilots who are keen to display their wealth of talent to the wider New Eden constituency.

Each work of art will be presented in a fixed format so that it can be properly admired. If the artist is known they may enter a caption below the piece, naming it and providing context with regards to why, when and how it was created.

A Steam-like interface may be provided such that these works may be 'purchased' as a file that can be printed. The artist may affix a message to the buyer, a unique number and even an autograph, identifying the piece as a genuine article presented by the creator.

At certain times curated content may be displayed in a 'vernissage' setting, where art from one specific creator is displayed, or artwork centring on a specific event or cultural phenomenon in EVE.

Creating this structure in EVE would add another string to the rich tapestry of New Eden. It would be a tourist attraction, it would be a conversation starter and it may serve as a conflict driver, depending on where and how it was deployed.