Saturday, April 18, 2020


Capsuleers will be able to build a home for themselves among the stars.

The home will come in the form of a pocket of space, quite similar to the Triglavian Abyssal deadspace pockets.

The home will be accessible by a key, similar to the one that gives access to a Triglavian Abyssal deadspace pocket.

The home will be player-built and will consist of components that can be bought and sold on the market, or for which BPOs will be made available.

The home has no pay-to-win features. However, it will have many creature comforts, among which:

- memorable screen shots commemorating significant events in a pod pilot’s life
- a dressing room where the various pieces of attire can be worn and admired
- military uniforms for Faction Warfare pilots with their ranks insignia
- Corporate / Alliance uniforms with the pilot’s medals
- a display case that has all the pilot’s medals in it (the medal interface will receive some tender loving care so as to do the idea justice
- a display room where the corpses of fallen enemies can be admired
- a display room where fallen brothers-in-arms can be remembered
- a space to display the avatar of one of our beloved friends who left us too soon
- a 3D display of our favourite ship
- the home can serve as a backdrop for those among us who are active in the Twitch (or other similar service) environment

The home structure will have a race-dependent architecture, and the various components will determine its geometry.

The home is not intended to be attacked, since that would place an undue burden on the pilot to keep defending it, which cannot be a winning proposition.

However, the home is not free. Resources have to be arranged such that it can keep being ‘active’ and accessible. The pilot would be required to supply fuel to maintain the home. If the supply of resources lapses, the home will go into a ‘maintenance mode’ where all components persist but are no longer active. The home can be reactivated using a specific procedure that will cost significant resources. Proper balancing will be required.

Every component in the home is sourced from the New Eden environment and will require appropriate logistics efforts to provide for and maintain.

Corporations and alliances cannot build a home, they have access to structures in space. These structures in space (Astrahus, Fortizar, Keepstar) may be retrofitted such that they can be fitted with similar features as in a home, for the purpose of securing a home for the corporation / alliance.

Pilots who build a home will acquire an official address where people can send items to. The Interbus service would acquire an interface that people can use to send packages, like a mail service. It is not the intention that this serves to send materials and components to maintain structures that currently require logistics operations, it cannot be a way to circumvent the risk of running these operations as they are typically conducted. For instance pilot A could send non-strategic products to a friend’s home to help them build components of the structure once the address had been established.

The main purpose for the home is to give the pod pilot in EVE a residence, which they do not have at present. It serves to create immersion and to anchor New Eden as a ‘third place’, a home away from home.

The market will be seeded with products and services pertaining to the maintenance of the home, The New Eden Store can provide products and services that serve to increase immersion. It can be a new revenue stream while at the same time it is not a pay-to-win feature.

Pilots can be ‘at home’ in New Eden. However, when home, they are not able to interact with events in space. Being home will require modules to be ‘active’, which carries a cost of upkeep that can only be properly serviced through direct interaction with the universe.

Pilots are warmly encouraged to suggest added features and functionality to make the home fit their needs better, keeping the aforementioned in mind.