Monday, January 6, 2020


A new faction will be introduced into New Eden.

This faction will be a nomadic race. Their entire nation consists of ships and movable structures that migrates through the New Eden cluster, driven only by their own internal needs. They do not communicate to other factions where or why they’re going where they’re going and what their time table is.

Their main goal is to extract minerals and other resources and use those to create products (minerals, ship / structure components, raw resources for building modules, ammunitions, blue prints). They are forever building their war chest so that they can build and maintain their fleet. Their only concern is with the survival of their race and they will do whatever it takes to assure their survival.

To this end they will also have mission agents that run the gamut of every type of mission in New Eden, but only so far as it pertains to their own needs and goals. The deeper meaning of which will not be made clear and the typical mission statement will be along the lines of “We need -this action- done by -that- date and time.”

Over a very long time faction standing with the Caravan can be raised to a high enough level where the capsuleer will be considered a ‘friend’. This enables long mission chains, often requiring a fleet to complete, that will yield a better than fair chance at great rewards. However, the capsuleer will not even then be made privy to why the mission occurs or what the purpose is. The Caravan’s favour is, at best, an arm’s length affair.

The Caravan will have its own means to propagate through the universe in their own space frames that follow the Corvette / Frigate / Destroyer / Cruiser / Battlecruiser / Battleship / Carrier / Super Carrier / Dreadnaught / Titan convention, but super carrier class ships are not in their typical line up as they are not a bellicose faction. Leave them alone, they’ll leave you alone. Mess with them, you get the kitchen sink.

The Caravan will open a new way to interact with the New Eden universe, develop its own stories and culture and attract its own fans and enemies, while they turn up in all regions of space according to their own needs and desires. The Caravan will regularly display grandiose designs in space, where capsuleers are invited to ‘join the games’. More often than not these displays will occur ‘just because they look nice’.


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